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Author Archives: ecjt
Autumn 2019
In autumn 2019 I am leaving academia, to become a freelance economist. For my new contact details, please see the Contact page.
Bristol launches MRes Economics
The Department of Economics at Bristol has recently launched an MRes in Economics, an intensive one-year taught programme which provides an advanced training in economics and econometrics. For more details, see MRes in Economics.
Bayesian Model Averaging
A paper on BMA applied to cross-country growth data, advocating a less agnostic approach.
The Kuznets process
Recently added: a paper on the Kuznets process, with Huikang Ying. We ask how a structural transformation will affect wage inequality. See Life during structural transformation.
Foreign aid and domestic absorption
Just added: a paper on foreign aid with Nicolas Van de Sijpe. We introduce a new instrument for aid and use it to study whether aid is absorbed, and how. See Foreign aid and domestic absorption.
Virtuous circles and the case for aid
Would virtuous circles, or self-reinforcing growth, strengthen the case for aid? See here for a new paper with Patrick (Paddy) Carter: Virtuous circles and the case for aid.
New survey on regional growth
Just added: a new literature review on regional growth and regional decline, co-authored with Holger Breinlich and Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano. Comments and criticisms can be posted here.
Aid and conditionality
Now available online: a review of the academic literature on foreign aid, published as a Handbook chapter. It was mostly written in 2007-8 and the final version submitted in the spring of 2009. I am likely to revise this material with a view to writing a book. Since the review is already 40,000 words long and on a complex topic, there are inevitably some mistakes and problems with it. If you are interested in aid, by all means let me know areas where you think the chapter should be corrected or revised, by posting comments here.
Jonathan Temple’s research
Welcome to Jonathan Temple’s research website. I’m an economist in the Department of Economics, University of Bristol. For information about my academic research, please see the introduction or A-Z of papers