September 2019
Personal details
Jonathan Temple
New email address: jon .dot. temple .at. zohomail .dot. eu
Mailing address: on email application
Telephone: N/A
If you need a full academic CV, please email me.
Main papers
- Foreign aid and domestic absorption
Journal of International Economics, September 2017, 431-443.
(with Nicolas Van de Sijpe)
- Virtuous circles and the case for aid
IMF Economic Review, 65(2), June 2017, 397-425.
(with Patrick Carter)
- Growth econometrics for agnostics and true believers
European Economic Review, 81(1), January 2016, 86-102.
(with James Rockey)
- Dynamic aid allocation
Journal of International Economics, 95(2), March 2015, 291-304.
(with Patrick Carter and Fabien Postel-Vinay)
- Regional growth and regional decline
Handbook of Economic Growth, Philippe Aghion and Steven Durlauf (eds.), Volume 2, The Netherlands: North-Holland, January 2014.
(with Holger Breinlich and Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano)
- The calibration of CES production functions
Journal of Macroeconomics, 34(2), June 2012, 294–303.
- Balanced growth and the great ratios: new evidence for the US and UK
Journal of Macroeconomics, 32(4), December 2010, 937-956.
(with Cliff Attfield)
- Aid and conditionality
Handbook of Development Economics, Dani Rodrik and Mark R. Rosenzweig (eds.) Vol. 5, The Netherlands: North-Holland, 2010, pp. 4415-4523.
- Macroeconomic stability and the distribution of growth rates
World Bank Economic Review, December 2009, 23(3), 443-479
(with Vatcharin Sirimaneetham)
- The geography of output volatility
Journal of Development Economics, November 2009, 90(2), 163-178
(with Adeel Malik)
- The econometrics of convergence
Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 2: Applied Econometrics
Terence C. Mills and Kerry Patterson (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, June 2009
(with Steven N. Durlauf and Paul A. Johnson)
- The methods of growth econometrics
Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics, Volume 2: Applied Econometrics
Terence C. Mills and Kerry Patterson (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, June 2009
(with Steven N. Durlauf and Paul A. Johnson)
- Labor markets and productivity in developing countries
Review of Economic Dynamics, January 2009, 12(1), 183-204
(with Mathan Satchi)
- Dualism and cross-country growth regressions
Journal of Economic Growth, September 2006, 11(3), 187-228
(with Ludger Wößmann)
- Rich nations, poor nations: how much can multiple equilibria explain?
Journal of Economic Growth, March 2006, 11(1), 5-41
(with Bryan S. Graham)
- Growth econometrics
Handbook of Economic Growth, P. Aghion and S. N. Durlauf (eds.), Volume 1A, North-Holland, 2005, pp. 555-677
(with Steven N. Durlauf and Paul A. Johnson)
- Dual economy models: a primer for growth economists
The Manchester School, July 2005, 73(4), 435-478
- The long-run implications of growth theories
Journal of Economic Surveys, July 2003, 17(3), 497-510
- Covariate measurement error in quadratic regression
International Statistical Review, April 2003, 71(1), 131-150
(with Jouni Kuha)
- Growing into trouble: Indonesia after 1966
In Search of Prosperity: Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth
Dani Rodrik (ed.), Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2003
- The assessment: the New Economy
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Autumn 2002, 18(3), 241-264
- Openness, inflation and the Phillips curve: a puzzle
Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, May 2002, 34(2), 450-468
- Growth effects of education and social capital in the OECD countries
OECD Economic Studies, 2001, 33, 57-101
- Generalizations that aren’t? Evidence on education and growth
European Economic Review, May 2001, 45(4-6), 905-918
- Inflation and growth: stories short and tall
Journal of Economic Surveys, September 2000, 14(4), 395-426
- Growth regressions and what the textbooks don’t tell you
Bulletin of Economic Research, July 2000, 52(3), 181-205
- The new growth evidence
Journal of Economic Literature, March 1999, 37(1), 112-156
- Initial conditions, social capital, and growth in Africa
Journal of African Economies, October 1998, 7(3), 309-347
- Social capability and economic growth
Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1998, 113(3), 965-990
(with Paul A. Johnson)
- Robustness tests of the augmented Solow model
Journal of Applied Econometrics, July-August 1998, 13(4), 361-375
- Human capital, equipment investment, and industrialization
European Economic Review, July 1998, 42(7), 1343-1362 (with Joachim Voth).
- Equipment investment and the Solow model
Oxford Economic Papers, January 1998, 50, 39-62.
Other papers
- Morten Jerven, and what economists do and don’t get wrong.
Development Policy Review, 34(6), November 2016, 901-905.
- Aid conditionality
The Companion to Development Studies (third edition). Vandana Desai and Robert B. Potter (eds.), Routledge, 2014.
- Implementation cycles and the New Economy in retrospect
Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalization: Essays in Honour of Cesare Imbriani, Piergiuseppe Morone (ed.), Routledge, 2013.
(with Pasquale Scaramozzino and Nir Vulkan)
- Aggregate production functions, growth economics, and the part-time tyranny of the identity: a reply to Felipe and McCombie
International Review of Applied Economics, 24(6), November 2010, 685-692.
- Review article: “One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions and Economic Growth” by Dani Rodrik
Economic Journal, February 2009, Vol. 119, No. 535, F224-F230.
- International income convergence.
The Princeton Encyclopedia of the World Economy, K. A. Reinert, R. S. Rajan, A. J. Glass and L. S. Davis (eds.), Princeton University Press, 2008.
- Balanced growth
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (second edition), S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, May 2008.
- Discussion of Chamon, Mauro and Okawa, Mass car ownership in the emerging market giants.
Economic Policy, April 2008, 54, 286-288.
- Discussion of Inklaar, Timmer and van Ark, Market services productivity across Europe and the US.
Economic Policy, January 2008, 53, 175-177.
- Discussion of Easterly, Are aid agencies improving?
Economic Policy, October 2007, 52, 673-675.
- Discussion of Fabrizio and Mody, Can budget institutions counteract fiscal indiscipline?
Economic Policy, October 2006, 48, 728-730.
- Aggregate production functions and growth economics
International Review of Applied Economics, July 2006, 20(3), 301-317
- Growth and wage inequality in a dual economy
Bulletin of Economic Research, April 2005, 57(2), 145-169
- Education and economic growth
Economic Growth and Government Policy. HM Treasury, April 2001.
- A positive effect of human capital on growth
Economics Letters, October 1999, 65(1), 131-134.
- Central bank independence and inflation: good news and bad news
Economics Letters, November 1998, 61(2), 215-219.
- Openness and TFP growth: comments and new directions.
Openness and growth, J. Proudman and S. Redding (eds.), Bank of England, 1998.
- Growth in open economies. In P. Aghion and P. Howitt,
Endogenous Growth Theory, MIT Press 1998
(with Philippe Aghion, Peter Howitt and Stephen Redding)
- Testing for endogenous growth. In P. Aghion and P. Howitt,
Endogenous Growth Theory, MIT Press 1998
(with Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt)
- St. Adam and the Dragons: neoclassical economics and the East Asian miracle
Oxford Development Studies, October 1997, 25(3), 279-300.
Balanced growth. Reprinted in Durlauf, S. N. and Blume, L. E. (eds.) Economic Growth. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Previously published: 2008.
Inflation and growth: stories short and tall. Included in 25th Anniversary Virtual Issue: The Top 25 Papers in 25 Years: The Editors’ Cut. Journal of Economic Surveys, 2011. Previously published: 2000.
Generalizations that aren’t? Evidence on education and growth. Reprinted in Belfield, C. R. (ed.) Modern Classics in the Economics of Education, Edward Elgar, 2006. Previously published: 2001.
The long-run implications of growth theories. Reprinted in George, D., Oxley, L. and Carlaw, K. (2003). Surveys in Economic Growth: Theory and Empirics. Blackwell, Oxford. Previously published: 2003.
The new growth evidence. Reprinted in Dutt, A. K. (ed.) The political economy of development, Volume 1. Development, growth and income distribution. Elgar Reference Collection. International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol. 140. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Mass.: Elgar; distributed by American International Distribution Corporation, Williston, Vt., 2002, pp. 31-75. Previously published: 1999.